Blogging On LinkedIn 2021 — Is It Worth It For Bloggers?

The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readMar 4, 2021
Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash

Blogging on LinkedIn. 2021’s the year, right?

That’s the year bloggers from around the internet flock to LinkedIn in droves to leverage what some call the most underrated platform online right now.

Luckily for ya’ll, I have some #strongopinions on this matter.

Is LinkedIn worth it for bloggers?

Well.. yes — but let me explain why — you’ll be surprised.

Blogging On LinkedIn 2021 — What You Need To Know

So first off, blogging on LinkedIn is worth it from a reach standpoint. But the reach is not *THAT* awesome. You’re probably going to get the same reach here — if not more — than you would on Medium.

I’ve seen that posts normally get 5 views per “like” on LinkedIn.

So if you have a post get 10 likes, it’s probably going to get 50 views.

Take that, Wordpress.

This post of mine got 366 views off the back of 50+ likes. Not bad at all.

But at the same time, the reach is not *THAT* ridiculous to abandon your Wordpress blog and start slingin’ blog posts where people sling resumes. But keep listening.

Second, blogging on LinkedIn doesn’t have to mean you’re ACTUALLY blogging. You don’t have to share articles, I mean.

You could “blog” in the form of a status update.

Status updates are sort of like mini-blog posts. Here’s how they look..

That was easy, right? And as I mentioned before in another blog post, it doesn’t take that much time to create these little suckers.

The power of LinkedIn for bloggers is insane.

Third, and the biggest reason I think blogging on LinkedIn is so advantageous, is that you can create videos and pictures.

You can open up your brand to a whole other medium.. which I believe can lead to explosive growth when done consistently and effectively.

You have to have the guts to get on camera, but trust me the reward is HIGH if you dabble in video.

Those are the top three reasons I think Linkedin, for bloggers, can be insane.

But how should you actually use it? Should you republish Wordpress blogs to LinkedIn? Write new pieces? Well, let’s get into it.

Blogging On LinkedIn 2021 — Strategy

My first recommendation for everyone reading would be to republish their old blog posts directly to LinkedIn.

That’s it.

It takes about 120 seconds to copy, paste, and reformat certain things before you’re publishing content *officially* to LinkedIn. For bloggers, this is a no-brainer.

Republish your Medium blogs to LinkedIn, your Wordpress blogs.. anything!

My second recommendation would be to take bits and pieces from old blog posts and re-create them as status updates.

You could theoretically take the content from one blog post and make five status updates from it. That’s content for 5 WHOLE DAYS!

Are you kidding me?

Before, on Wordpress, you had to create a whole blog post to “post” anything. But here on LinkedIn, we’re playing by different rules. All you need to do anymore is write one blog post and re-use the lessons multiple times in the form of status updates.

My third recommendation is to post a picture of yourself every week along with a short little life lesson.

Our advantage as bloggers is that we can write the brakes off anything. This includes photo descriptions and even video scripts (YOU BETTER MAKE SOME VIDEOS).

Use media to better tell your story and keep your audience engaged. Speaking of media..

My fourth and final recommendation would be to write video scripts and shoot small 2-minute selfie videos with your phone.

Talk about some life lessons. Stick to the script. Just do what you do with the written word, then extrapolate that to a video.

As writers, we often think writing is the only medium we’re good at. The truth is, movies need writers too, right? If there were no writers for movies, there’d be no movies.

People forget this.

I think that the reason 99% of videos succeed is because of the message. Who is better at communicating a message better than writers?


So bloggers are actually best set up to succeed with video creation, we just don’t know it yet.

To be honest, that’s why I think LinkedIn for bloggers can be such a great place to grow in 2021 and beyond.




The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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